Installing the intraMic preamp and coupler
Now that you’ve installed the intraMic’s cell, you’ll have to connect it to the
preamp, either directly, or through the intraMic’s coupler and extension MCX
cable. But before you connect everything, you’ll have to mount the preamp (and
the coupler if necessary) on your instrument. Or just keep it in your pocket or at
your belt if you prefer.
The preamp and the coupler can be attached to your instrument using the sup-
plied elastic loops
If you’re using the mounting « with coupler », start by attaching the coupler as
next to the neck as possible so you can connect the intraMic’s cell to the coupler.
If you’re using the « simple » mounting, you can go on directly with attaching the
preamp to your instrument.
The preamp can be mounted on the instrument’s tube (or any prominent part
of your instrument : bell brace, key guards, etc.) either aligned with the tube
using the preamp’s mountings ears (see
), or perpendicularly using the
preamp’s mounting groove (see
Note: as the coupler is not fragile
and does generally not obstruct the
storage of the neck in the casing, it
may be left in place between uses.