3. Press Select App to show the APK list.
4. Select Enplug Display and press Save.
5. Enplug Display APK name will show on Select
6. Exit admin mode and press custom input
source. Enplug Display will run on screen.
4.7. Setting (Admin mode)
Press Menu 1 9 9 8 on remote control to enter
admin mode.
4.7.1. Wi-Fi
Via Enable/Disable to control Wi-Fi On/Off. After
Enable, the screen will list all available WiFi AP.
: Ethernet will be disable automatically if WiFi
turn on and connect to network.
4.7.2. Ethernet
Enable: To turn Ethernet On.
Disable: To turn Ethernet Off
Enable Ethernet will show Connection Type and
Mac Address.
1. Connection Type: Available type is DHCP/Static
B. Static IP
C. IP Address
D. Netmask
E. DNS Address
F. Gateway Address
2. Mack Address
: WiFi will be disable automatically if Etherne
turn on and connect to network.