Important notice!
Before installing and using this product please
read this manual carefully!
The mobile decoder DHS 252 is designed
for model train locomotives operated with the
NMRA-DCC system or with up to 14V DC. It
is only suitable for dry spaces.
Any other use beyond the above is conside-
red inappropriate. No liability is accepted for
defects or damages resulting from inappro-
priate use; such risk is the full responsibility
of the user.
! Please note !
Only use transformers compliant
with the regulations of VDE / EN.
Installation and electrical con-
nection must be carried out
while the locomotive is removed
from the track!
The decoder DHS 252 is a mobile decoder
suitable for the NMRA-DCC system. It has a
SUSI interface for connecting additional modu-
les (sound or other functions). It is supplied
with a wire harness and an 8-pole NEM652
The decoders DHS 202 and DHS 252 look
exactly the same. In order to keep them apart
the DHS 252 is marked with the item no. prin-
ted on the bottom.
Preparing the Locomotive for
Make sure your locomotive is in excellent con-
dition – both mechanically and electrically.
Service it if necessary. A brand new locomo-
tive should be run in for about 30 minutes in
conventional DC mode.
Installing the decoder
In locomotives with an 8-pole NEM652 socket
you only have to remove the dummy plug and
insert the decoder plug instead. The red wire
on the decoder plug has to match the marking
on the circuit board of your locomotive (see
fig. 1). The decoder must be installed in such
a way that it does not have contact with any
metal parts of the chassis or the body. Use the
double-sided adhesive tape provided. When
replacing the body make sure that no wires
are damaged; this could cause damage to
the decoder!
Connecting Additional Modules
You may connect up to three additional modu-
les to the SUSI interface. The additional modu-
le is to be connected by inserting the plug to
the interface socket (see fig. 3). The additional
module has to be programmed prior to instal-
For wiring two or three additional modules
to the DHS252 one resp. two Y-cables are
required (see fig. 2).
If there is no plug on the additional modu-
le it can be soldered directly to the decoder
DHS252. For that purpose 4 soldering points
are located on the underside that are to be
wired as per fig. 4. Please note, that the solder
points must not touch any metal parts!
Commissioning the Decoder
Place the locomotive on the programming track
and read out the CVs (configuration variables).
The factory preset for the address is “03”.
Should an error be displayed please check if
the decoder has been installed properly and
that the locomotive has no faults.
If everything is ok use the standard procedure
for programming the locomotive. Afterwards
you can adjust any settings to suit your require-
Programming the Decoder
Address, maximum speed and other parame-
ters can be adjusted as often as you like.
The programming procedure is described in
the manuals of your command station or con-