Fig. 2: Correct place of installation of the backflow trap
1 - Street = Backflow level
2 - Area safe from backflow
3 - Connection upper floor
4 - Area at risk of backflow
5 - Protection against backflow through backflow trap
The connection of the upper floor (3) onto the underground pipe must
be made between the backflow trap and sewer within the building (5) –
only then is it possible to ensure that the wastewater system can func-
tion faultlessly. To ensure that drainage is permanently guaranteed,
backflow traps may not be employed as the central safeguard for a
building with drainage equipment installed above the backflow level (1) –
in the event of backflow, it would lead to flooding in the building due to
wastewater being unable to drain away (4).
„Regulations from section: Place of installation and installation
Product information
Grundfix backflow trap base unit (cleaning pipe)
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