Manual Call Recorder Octo | Quarto © Vidicode 2011-2022
Start Method
The Start method refers to the condition the Call Recorder uses to
determine how to start and stop recording. When recording from a
normal analog telephone line the Off-Hook method should be used.
The Call Recorder detects when the connected telephone becomes Off-
Hook and starts recording. Following the Input Source setting as
described above the display will show:
Press CHANGE to select Off-Hook , Voice , Voice or
When Off-Hook is selected as start method the next item in the menu
will be "Off-Hook Level". This can be set to Low or High depending on
the desired Off-Hook detection sensitivity. Try the other setting when
automatic start and stop of recordings doesn't work properly.
In Voice mode the Call Recorder monitors the input source for audio
signals and recordings are started accordingly. Voice recording is mainly
used to record from other sources than the telephone, like radio
communication, or all other cases where the Off-Hook method does not
work. When Voice is selected as start method the next items in the
menu will be “Signal Settings” and “Silence Period”.
Another option is to start and stop recordings with the use of a
connected switch. Some digital telephones have a switch connection for
this purpose. The make or brake contacts must be connected to the
Start/Stop Switch connector at the front. For each line there is an input
There are two methods selectable; Voice or Hook. The
Voice method is the normal switch functionality, just starting
and stopping recordings when the switch opens or closes. The
Hook method is a combination of Off-Hook detect AND Switch
detect: Both must be active to start or continue a recording! If off-hook
OR the switch fails the recording stops again.
When switch is selected as start method the next item in the menu will
be "Switch type". You can choose between Make or Break indicating
opening or closing the switch to start a recording.