1. Document History
Revision Issue
Date Reason
Rev A
Initial release
2. General Description
The Videology Forensic Camera is a stand alone self contained video camera and recorder,
designed primarily for Forensic applications in which the stored video images are to be
viewed after an event.
The camera design can accommodate a variety of front end imaging devices, including CCD,
CMOS, Color or monochrome sensors. Wide dynamic range and true day night versions are
also available.
The camera records video onto and internal SD card, either continuously, according to a
pre-programmed schedule, or as a result of motion within the field of view.
Both the image resolution and the frame rate can be adjusted via software to give a wide
range of recording time.
The camera is powered from an external 12V DC power supply, (a battery back up will also
be available in the future).
A hardened version of the camera is also available, in which the internal memory device is
housed within a fire and blast resistant enclosure.
The camera is designed as a compact, self contained, low cost, easily installed video
surveillance device.
Applications include monitoring of mass transit vehicles, shopping malls, large public events
Doc # INS-20NF744
Issue Date: 04/16/2009
Revision: A
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