SnapShot Camera Installation Guide
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7. Operation
To set up and test the camera, proceed as follows:-
Connect the power, video and optional telemetry cable
Switch on the power and ensure the green LED lights up
Park a vehicle at the desired captured point
Ensure the slide switch is set to ANPR
Connect a test monitor to the ANPR BNC socket
Using the buttons in the camera junction box, adjust the zoom
and focus for the best image. Note that the camera will
automatically focus each time you adjust the zoom
Adjust the IR power control (Brightness). For a clean plate, the
characters should appear as black on a pure white background
(see images below)
If the optional colour overview is fitted, move the slide switch to
OVERVIEW, connect the test monitor to the OVERVIEW BNC
socket and adjust the zoom and focus as required.
If the optional overview camera has a white light illuminator,
adjust the brightness control to light the scene as required
Ensure the bracket and junction box lid are fully tightened on
Too Dark
Too Bright
ANPR Brightness Setting (Clean License Plate)
If using an optional overview camera with a white light illuminator,
ensure the brightness is adjusted to avoid dazzling drivers at night.