So the rule is that if you use any extension speaker then the internal speaker is
always unplugged and either not used or plugged into one of the ‘EXTENSION
SPEAKER’ sockets depending on the impedance of the extension speaker.
Connect the supplied Single latching footswitch here to switch the BOOST on
& off.
The V10 is Cathode Biased meaning that automatic Bias circuitry is employed
and there is no need to set or measure anything when changing or
experimenting with output valves.
Here’s an image of the inside of the V10, just because it’s very neat and you
may not get to see it otherwise:
Valves Complement:
The V10 uses 4 x ECC83s, (12AX7s) in the preamp section; these are dual-
triodes so have 2 valve stages in each envelope:
So, looking at the rear panel from right to left, V1B is the first gain stage right
after the input, going into V1A which is the second gain stage. Then we go into
V2B which is the tone stack driver stage, then V3B which is the Reverb driver
and V3A which is the Reverb return stage. Then we have V4B & V2A which are