There are three basic types of transducers to consider: High Speed,
Puck Style, and the Ice-Ducer System.
High Speed transducers are
designed to be mounted on the transom
of a boat. The wedged shape will cut
the water and give a clear depth read-
ing at any boat speed. Locate a spot
similar to the one in figure E. Keep in
mind that you need clear water flow
across the face of the transducer to
insure a clear reading at all speeds. Stay
away from rivets, ribs, or strakes that
would be just in front of the transduc-
er. They will disturb the water and
scramble the reading. Attach the
mounting bracket to the transducer and
hold it up to the boat where you are
planning to mount it (see figure E).
Mark the holes on the transom, or mounting plate, so that when the bot-
tom of the transducer is flush with the bottom of the boat the holes are
located at the bottom of the bracket slots. This gives you room to "fine
tune" the position of the transducer and optimize your reading after
you've put the back boat in the water. Drill out the holes and tighten the
bracket down securely. Be sure to seal any holes drilled
into the transom with silicone to prevent water from leak-
ing into the boat. Run the transducer cord up to the unit
taking the same care as you did when you ran the power
cord. Plug the transducer connector into the back of the
unit and screw the retaining ring down tight.
Figure E