Transporting and storing
All products are packed by producer for normal transporting conditions. For unloading and storing use proper lifter to prevent product damage
and employees injuries. Do not lift product by power supply cable, connection box. Avoid impacts and impact loads.
Until final installation store products in dry place with humidity not more 70% (20°C), average ambient temperature must be 5-40°C. Storing
place must be covered from water and dirt.
Avoid long term storing. It is not recommended to store products more then 1 (one) year.
1. Manufacture declare 1 year warranty term from the date of manufacturers invoice. Warranty is applied in case if all requirements of transporting,
storing, installation and electrical connection are fulfilled.
2. In case of damaged or faulty product during warranty term customer must inform producer in 5 days and deliver product to manufacture as
soon as possible at customer's costs. In other case warranty is not valid.
3. Manufacture is not responsible for damages which occur during transportation or installation.
Producer reserves the right to change technical data