Rev. 6/1/2021
Copyright 2021 Vestil Manufacturing Corp Page 3 of 8
This product can be used as either a front end attachment when mounted on the forks of a fork
truck, or a below-the-hook lifter when attached to a hoist or other overhead lifting device.
According to US Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rule 1910.178 (29
CFR 1910.178; the “Rule”), this device is a front end attachment (for a lift truck) whenever it is mounted
on the forks of a lift truck. The Rule incorporates American National Standard ANSI/ITSDF B56.1 (the
“Standard”) published by the Industrial Truck Standards Development Foundation (ITSDF) on its website
). The standard is freely downloadable at
Before putting this cart into service, acquire a copy of the Standard. Apply all relevant parts of Part II:
For the User. If instructions provided in this manual conflict with the Standard, then the instructions in the
Standard must be applied. Vestil requests that you immediately inform it about inconsistencies by
personnel. Contact information for
cover page of this manual.
When attached to an overhead lifting device, this product is a “Below-the-Hook Lifting Device” (BTH
(the “Standard”) applies to BTH lifters. Acquire a copy of the latest version
of the Standard before putting the lifter into service. Follow all use and maintenance/care instructions
provided in the Standard as well as all other provisions for owners and users. If content in the manual
conflicts with recommendations or mandatory provisions in the Standard, apply the Standard. Vestil
encourages you to immediately contact
if you discover any conflicts.
Specifications for STRAP-FP-series strap dispensing carts are provided on Vestil’s website. To access
the appropriate specifications document, navigate to this webpage:
Click the “Specifications” tab. Scroll the page to the
entry for the model you purchased, and click the button in the PDF column that looks like a pencil inside
a blue box. A PDF file will open. This file is the specifications document. Print a copy of the document
and keep it with your copy of this manual. The following is an exemplar specifications document.