Wiring the High Voltage Shielded Cable (cont.)
Connect the high voltage cable with High
Voltage Power Supply GP-1. Connect the high
voltage connector of the high voltage cable
terminal to the output connector of the GP-1.
You can connect the high voltage connector
just by inserting and screwing it into the output
connector by hands. Being made of resin, the
connection portion may be damaged if a tool
such as a plier is used. Be sure to connect it by
Connect the ground wire of the high voltage
shield cable terminal to the ground terminal of
the GP-1.
Installing air assist bar
Fix the brackets of air assist bar together with the brackets into back-stud bolts.
Air fitting fits to outer diameter 8mm and inner diameter 5mm air tube. Supply air to both
length of air assist bar is longer than 945mm. Single side air supply even in that case will result
unbalanced air purge.
Putting into use
Control the electrode by performing through ON-OFF operation of the High Voltage Power Supply
GP-1. Electrode will soon produce ion after turn on GP-1.
Use hand valve or solenoid valve (not included) to control the air assist bar.
Maintenance and faults
Cleaning the Discharge Needle and outer case
Standard interval of this product is one (1) week.
For quick cleaning, use a nylon blush, a soft cloth, or a cotton-tipped stick. Be sure to turn off
GP-1 and moving the blush along rail of electrodes. Clean aluminum outer case.
For harder grimes, be sure to turn off the GP-1 and clean parts using a clean cloth lightly
moistened with pure alcohol or IPA.
Light electrical shock may be appeared by touching metal parts without turn
Voltage Power Supply GP-1. Be sure to confirm the power is off.
Never use organic solvents, detergents, etc.
Pay enough attention to handle the discharge needle because its point
can easily pierce human skin. Replace whole electrode when needle is bent
Double check there is no fiber or something from cleaning materials. Liquids must be dried up
completely before starting H.V. power supply.
This product is disposable. Please contact your local dealer to replacement if performance is not
come back by cleaning electrode and electrode needle.
stud bolts.
Supply air to both side if total
. Single side air supply even in that case will result
Putting into use
OFF operation of the High Voltage Power Supply
aintenance and faults
tipped stick. Be sure to turn off
along rail of electrodes. Clean aluminum outer case.
1 and clean parts using a clean cloth lightly
without turning OFF High
point is very sharpened and
needle is bent, tip or broken.
Double check there is no fiber or something from cleaning materials. Liquids must be dried up
replacement if performance is not