36 Chapter 3 Installation
NetSure 801 CA7 Power Supply System (New Skelecton) User Manual
After the AC input cables are fed into the cabinet, connect them to the knife-blade switch or air breaker or ATS of the
AC distribution cabinet, as shown in Figure 3-15.
A amplification
AC input neutral line
(light blue cable)
AC input phase C line (red cable)
AC input phase B line (green cable)
AC input phase A line
(yellow cable)
Figure 3-15 AC input cable connection to AC distribution cabinet
3.2.4 Connecting Emergency Lighting Cables (Optional)
Connection of AC distribution cabinet and DC distribution cabinet
The DC emergency lighting contactor is an optional part that locates at the bottom part of the AC distribution cabinet,
as shown in Figure 3-17 (removing the panel). In the event of AC mains failure, the AC monitoring circuit closes the
DC emergency lighting contactor, and then 48V voltage is available at its output terminal.
Choose a 100A load fuse in the DC distribution cabinet to supply DC power for emergency lighting, and then connect
this fuse to the DC contactor by means of cable (which should be sized for the emergency lighting power).
Follow the steps below to connect the emergency lighting cables.
1. Determine the cable length according to the actual wiring route.
2. Add cable lugs to both ends of the cables.
3. Connect one end of the positive cable (cable 2) to the positive busbar of the DC distribution cabinet, and one end
of the negative cable (cable 1) to the load fuse in the DC distribution cabinet, as shown in Figure 3-16.
4. Connect the other end of the positive cable (cable 2) to the positive emergency lighting busbar, and the other end
of the negative cable (cable 1) to the DC contactor, as shown in Figure 3-17.
5. Connect one end of the positive emergency lighting cable to the positive emergency lighting busbar, and the other
end to the positive terminal of the emergency lighting. Connect one end of the negative emergency lighting cable to
the bottom terminal of the emergency lighting MCB, and the other end to the negative terminal of the emergency
lighting, as shown in Figure 3-17.