Remote Services Connectivity
Remote-service Connectivity Options and Settings
Connectivity Test Result
Result of most-recent connectivity test.
Test Connectivity
Initiates connectivity test.
Evaluate Remote Services Configuration
Attempt to connect to the remote service to verify the configuration.
Remote Service platform URL
URL address of the remote-service platform. Do not enter the "http://" or "https://" prefix.
Connection retry time
Length of time to attempt reconnection in the event of a communication failure. Range: 30 to 600
Proxy Enable
Enables use of remote-service-platform URL to connect with a proxy server.
Proxy Authentication
Enables authentication of the proxy server.
Proxy Address
IP or URL address of the proxy server.
Proxy IP Port Number
Port number of the proxy server. Range: 1 to 65535.
Proxy User Name
User name of the proxy server.
Proxy User Password
Password of the proxy server.
Remote Service Cloud URL
URL address of the remote-service cloud. Do not enter the "http://" or "https://" prefix.
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