background image

FCC ID: K6620223X20 

IC IF: 511B-20223X20 



Vertex Standard Co., Ltd. 



Transmitter Power 


With the power meter, dummy load and deviation meter connected to the antenna jack. 


Key the transmitter on 146.05 MHz. Adjust the output power is within 5 ±0.1 W on the 

power meter. (HI) 


Key the transmitter on 146.05 MHz. Adjust the output power is within 2 ±0.1 W on the 

power meter. (MID) 


Key the transmitter on 146.05 MHz. Adjust the output power is within 0.5 ±0.05 W on 

the power meter. (LOW) 



Receiver Sensitivity 


With the dummy load and SINAD meter connected to the external speaker jack. 


Inject a RF signal as a level of -9 dBµV to the antenna jack. 


Tune the receiver on 146.05 MHz. Adjust the SINAD is above 12 dB on the SINAD 



