Figure: pairing a wireless device (left) with the edge gateway (right) via the S00 secure
programming and commissioning peripheral
Please ensure that the USB cable is plugged in into the USB port of the edge gateway and the
commissioning peripheral is connected to a wireless device. Next, refresh the commissioning
webpage to initialize the pairing process. Once the wireless device is detected (MAC address
displayed), press the secure commissioning button on the webpage.
During commissioning, please do not press the button on the peripheral
After commissioning, your wireless device will automatically reboot and join the network.
3.6. Securely updating device software
edge gateway configuration page allows to securely update the software of your
VersaSense Wireless devices:
Procedure to securely update a device:
1. Make sure you have a copy of the device software image (labeled as
) stored on your local machine.
2. Click the textbox labeled as “Select device image file”
3. Browse to the binary device image file stored on your machine
4. Connect the S00 secure programming and commissioning peripheral between the
the edge gateway and the device.