JCV MOTOR s.r.o. , Vikýřovice 562, 788 13, Šumperk, Czech Republic—Europe, www.vernermotor.com, [email protected]
10. Periodic maintenance
After the first flight the engine cowling should be removed, followed by a thorough inspecti-
on of the engine compartment. Check the engine for signs of any oil leak at the joining faces
of the crankcase, cylinder bases, valve covers and shaft seals. All hoses and wiring to and
from the engine should be inspected for looseness, chaffing or any discoloration that might
indicate these are routed where excessive heat from the engine could cause premature fai-
lure. Check that all components mounted onto the engine mount and firewall have remai-
ned securely fastened. Should anything be found damaged, loose, or otherwise indicating
any abnormality, the reason for it must be found and the condition must be rectified before
the next flight.
11. Major overhauls
The current TBO of the engine is 350 hours, with a view on extending this time in the future. For
major overhaul of the engine it must be returned to the factory or to the fully authorized repair
facility of VERNER-MOTOR in those countries where the manufacturer is represented by such an
arrangement. In case the engine is impacted by a propeller strike or otherwise serious damage, it
should be repaired by the manufacturer or authorized representative.
12. Guarantee
VERNER-MOTOR - engine manufacturer or its authorized dealers provide engine guarantee
for 100 operation hours or 6 months which ever comes first. The guarantee period starts on
the day marked in the certificate of warranty as the date of sale.
To exercise a claim, the owner of the engine is obliged to present regular certificates of
engine purchase and confirmed certificate of warranty with the date of sale and engine
maintenance logbook.
The guarantee cannot be applied on the following:
• damage caused by unauthorized use and not observing the periodic adjustment in
accordance with manual on assembly, operation and maintenance of JCV 360 engine
• using components or accessories that are not original products of the engine manufacturer
• engine damage due to engine operation without propeller
• ordinary wear and tear of all components of the engine
• damage due to air crash with the engine installed
• using engine without dashboard instruments delivered with the engine
• unqualified repair work of mechanics that are not stipulated by the manufacturer