By combining all three rows, the result is a continuous sixteenth-pattern:
1/4-, 1/8- and 1/16-events at the SEQ OUT
Figure 7:
In addition, randomRHYTHM can generate triplets. These again follow the same concept. Because only three
per 1/4-note exist, which are being located between the 1/8- and 1/16th-
, overlapping only occurs with 1/4-
. Accordingly these are being left out:
1/3-events at the SEQ OUT
Figure 8:
When combined with the 1/4-events, the result is a continuous pattern of triplets:
1/4- and 1/3-events at the SEQ OUT
Figure 9:
So much for the basic concept of randomRHYTHM. The following chapters will tell you how to use these functions
and the resulting possibilities.
User Guide randomRHYTHM