Stimulation is weak or
Device does not turn on
Electrode pads are not adher-
ing to the skin
Skin is turning red or irritated
Bluetooth will not connect
Ensure the skin is clean and the pad is firmly
adhered to the skin
Battery is low and must be recharged
Battery is depleted and must be recharged
Review the ‘Caring for Electrode Pads’
section of this manual; pads may need to
be replaced
Stop treatment; wait until skin returns to
normal color before attempting again.
Test the device on another area; if problem
persists, consult your physician.
Review the ‘Caring for Electrode Pads’
section of this manual; pads may need to
be replaced.
Turn on Bluetooth in your phone setting;
turn off both the device and App and turn
them on again; Switch to operate the device
Problem Solution