English • 5
wARnings & cAUTiOns
Do not use this device if areas of skin lack normal sensations, such as
skin that tingles or is numb.
Do not use this device during menstruation or during pregnancy.
If you are under the care of a Physician, consult with your Physi-
cian before using this device
Long-term effects of this device are not known
Do not place the device on or close to your heart
Take care when applying device close to the neck; do not place
this device on the front or sides of the neck. Severe spasm of the
muscles may occur and the contractions may be strong enough
to close the airway or cause difficulty in breathing. Stimulation
over the neck could also affect hearing or blood pressure
Do not apply stimulation across the chest because the intro-
duction of electrical current into the chest may cause rhythm
disturbances to the heart
Do not place the device on or around your head. The effects of
stimulation of the brain are unknown