Manual TTMA-100K
General specifications and instructions
Always make sure the system is delivered with the right certificates, stickers and
Do not remove the sticker(s)!!
Make sure the validation time of the certificates is never exceeded!
Never remove safety instructions of the TTMA!
All Verdegro Trailer truck mounted attenuators (Verdegro TTMA) shall be designed and
manufactured by the Verdegro Group, in accordance with the specifications.
The Verdegro TTMA is an attenuator system designed for installation at the back of trucks
with gross vehicle weight (GVW) ranges between 8000 kg and 12 000 kg
(Contact your
country for other specifications!).
Note: Any added ballast must be adequately anchored to the truck so that it will not move
during impacts. Because the back end of the truck supports the weight of the rearward
protruding TTMA, care must be taken not to exceed the manufacturer's published maximum
axle loads. To ensure that the driving characteristics of the vehicle are maintained, the
manufacturer's recommended center-of-gravity zone should also be adhered to.
A truck equipped with a Verdegro TTMA shall have a forward skid distance of less than 10 m
during an impact by either an 820 kg or 2000 kg vehicle traveling at a design speed of 100
kph. The minimum forward skid distance is dependent on the truck’s transmission being in
second gear, and the parking brake set with the truck situated on clean, dry pavement.
Performance criteria
The Verdegro TTMA, when mounted to a truck weighing up to 9,000 kg situated on clean dry
pavement with the transmission in second gear and the brakes locked shall perform as
Vehicles with a mass of 820 kg impacting straight into the rear of the TTMA at 100 kph
shall remain upright with the theoretical occupant impact velocity of 12 m/s or less and
the occupant ride down acceleration of 20 g's or less per NCHRP 350, Test 3-50
evaluation criteria. The truck shall be placed against a non-moving wall, also called a rigid
barrier, during this test.
Vehicles with a mass of 2000 kg impacting straight into the rear of the TTMA at 100 kph
shall remain upright with the theoretical occupant impact velocity of 12 m/s or less, and
the occupant ride down acceleration of 20 g's or less per NCHRP 350, Test 3-51
evaluation criteria.
Vehicles with a mass of 2000 kg impacting straight into the rear of the TTMA at 100 kph,
and an offset of W/3 with respect to the TTMA centerline, shall remain upright with no
significant roll pitch or yaw per NCHRP 350 optional Test 3-52 evaluation criteria.
To minimize potential damage to the truck, no portion of the TTMA’s structure or energy
absorbing elements shall protrude forward of the underride during an impact. Certified
test results and associated test reports and films produced in the guideline with NCHRP
350 procedures shall be submitted showing that the TTMA system conforms with all test
and performance criteria in this specification.
The Verdegro TTMA cartridges shall successfully perform to accelerated vibration, moisture
and corrosion.
If you have a truck which is heavier, contact Verdegro or your distributor.