Nero BackItUp 4 Essentials Software
Nero BackItUp 4 Essentials software is included on the hard drive.
Double click the nero folder on the drive and then double click
the set up fi le to start installation. The nero installation window
will appear. Follow up the set up wizard to install the software.
Note: nero BackItUp Software is only compatible with Windows
2000 / XP / and Vista.
Technical Support
If you are experiencing diffi culty installing or using your
Verbatim product, please visit the main Verbatim Technical
Support website at www.verbatim-europe.com. From this page
you can access our library of user documentation, read answers
to frequently asked questions, and download available software
updates. Although most of our customers fi nd this content
suffi cient to put them back on the right track, this page also lists
ways in which you can contact the Verbatim Technical Support
Team directly.
Europe: For technical support in Europe e-mail drivesupport@
verbatim-europe.com or call 00 800 3883 2222 in the following
countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom. All other countries call
+353 61 226586.
User Manual
A full User Manual is available on the Portable Hard Drive in PDF
format. Please save a copy in a different location before deleting
the manuals from your drive.