Operation & maintenance manual, Drum filter HDF 16/20V - Value series
Hydrotechs ALPHAFLEX™ panels are designed to be mounted in one of two ways. The panel will
either work to scoop and carry water (+ sign in the direction of rotation) each time it breaks the
water surface inside the drum, or if it is mounted the other way around (- sign in the direction of
rotation), it will rotate passively.
All other panels in the same segment are mounted in the opposite direction. . All panels that is
lifting water are mounted in a row along the length of the drum, see figure 8.8.
NOTE! The panels can be mounted in a different orientation/configuration depending on app-
lication. Figure 8.8 displays the standard configuration. For optimal performance and function,
please advise your local Hydrotech distributor.
Figure 8.8 ALPHAFLEX™ panel orientation.