MachineLogic program
This program will run in the background, and when an E-stop is engaged, the IO modules will be set to the desired state, and the MachineLogic code will
When disengaging the emergency state, the IO remains at the desired state because this was the last state before the termination of the MachineLogic code.
Wiring Vention Safety Peripherals
Emergency Stop Switch
The goal of the emergency stop switch
is to power off all actuators connected to the MachineMotion controller immediately.
The following table details the connectors and the wiring of the emergency stop switch.
Emergency stop
Used to connect other safety devices in series with the emergency stop switch.
Note: if you do not have any system to
connect to this port, you need to place the appropriate yellow jumper on the SAFETY IN plug.
Used to trigger and place MachineMotion in an emergency stop mode. Needs to be connected to MachineMotion SAFETY
E-stop button
When pressed, it places the system in emergency stop mode. Needs to be released to disengage the emergency stop mode.