Updated: Friday, July 16th 2021
MachineMotion Controller Safety Guide (V1E0+)
MachineMotion Safety
MachineMotion Safety IO
Status LED Indications
Safety Setup Jumpers
MachineMotion Behavior in
Emergency Stop Mode
MachineLogic Software
Termination and IO Sate
Wiring Vention Safety
Emergency Stop Switch
Safety Interlock Switch
Parent and Child
Configuration Wiring
Behavior of the Parent and
Child Safety Configuration
This guide describes the safety configurations of MachineMotion V1E0 and later V1 versions. It also shows how to connect MachineMotion to Vention safety
peripherals and have a functional safety configuration.
The goal of the safety system is to power off all actuators connected to the MachineMotion controller immediately upon an E-stop event.
MachineMotion Safety IO
Three main components dictate the safety configuration of the MachineMotion: The E-stop button, the SAFETY IN and the SAFETY OUT plugs. These
components are illustrated in the figure below.