Vemer TUO Wi-Fi Lite Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2



Display of minimum/maximum daily temperature

The device stores the minimum and maximum temperature values   measured during the day.

Initial screen

Maximum values


Maximum values


Initial screen


Minimum values


Minimum values



Keypad unlock

When the key lock is active, the device adjusts the temperature using the set programming. In this 
condition, after pressing a key, the display shows the writing “


To unlock the keypad:
1. While displaying the writing “


” press the key any of the 4 keys for a long time

    until the display show “



2. Enter the correct password using the keys   and   and confirm with the key  .
    The keypad remains unlocked for about 45 seconds from the last press of a key, after which
    the keypad reactivates the lock. To remove the key lock, see “Password for key lock”.


EU Conformity Declaration
Vemer declares that the device complies with the Communitary Directive 2014/53/EU (RED)
with reference to the following standards:


EN 60730-2-7 


EN 60730-2-9 


ETSI EN 300 328 


ETSI EN 301 489-1


ETSI EN 301 489-17

The full text of the EU Conformity Declaration is available at address.





When connected to the Wi-Fi network, the device acquires the date and time settings from the 
server and no settings are required. However, if you need to manually set the date and time 
values, proceed as follows:

Initial screen

Configuration menu 

Set the year

Set the day

Set the month

Set the time



Set the seconds*

Set the minutes

To exit the date and time setting:
  • press the key   once to return to the configuration menu
  • press the key   twice to exit the menu and return to the initial screen
  • to change the settings of the summer/winter time change, press and hold for a long time
     the key   (see “Configuration of the summer/winter time change”)

Configuration of the summer / winter time change

You can configure the device to independently manage the summer time update.
The factory setting includes:
•  the passage winter time 

 summer time (+1h) the last Sunday of March at 2:00 o’clock

•  the passage summer time 

 winter time (-1h) the last Sunday of October at 3:00 o’ clock

To change the configuration of the summer/winter time change:
•  when changing any of the clock parameters (seconds, minutes, hour, year, month or day),
    keep the key   pressed for a long time until the display shows AUTO


Access the PROG menu to change the programming of the automatic operation.
The factory setting includes:
• the P1 program from Monday to Friday
• the P2 program on Saturday and Sunday
If this program is not suitable for your needs, you can:
• assign a different program for one or more days of the week
• modify one or more existing programs by personalizing the profile, that is, assigning different
   temperature levels for one or more hours of the day.

How to choose a different program for the day Y

x1 time

Initial screen

Configuration menu


Choose the day Y


the Px program





If the function is enabled (AUTO ON), it is necessary to set:

1 the day of the week (1= Monday...,7= Sunday)
2 the week of the month (1st= first, 2nd= second,...LSt= last)
3 the month of the year
4 time

using the keys   and   to set the value and the key   to confirm and move on to the next 
To exit the summer/winter time change configuration:
• press the key   once to return to the configuration menu
• press the key   twice to exit the menu
Note: the winter time change 

 summer time is identified by the symbol  .


 the summer time change 

 winter time is identified by the symbol  .

For example, in Italy the summer time starts the last (LST) Sunday (7) of March (03)
at 2:00 o’ clock and the last (LST) Sunday (7) of October (10) at 3:00 o’ clock.

Initial screen

Configuration menu

SET menu

Change T1

Change T2

Change T3



x2 times

Initial screen

Configuration menu

TIMER menu



Set the timing. Increments of:
- 15 minutes (’) for timings up to 24 hours
- 1 hour (h) for timings from 1 to 5 days (d)
- 12 hours for timings from 5 to 99 days

x3 times


Access the SET menu to change the values of the 3 temperatures used in automatic
operation. The factory setting includes:

• T1 = 5°C, T2 = 15°C, T3 = 18°C (heating/winter operation  )
• T1 = off, T2 = 23°C, T3 = 25°C (conditioning/summer operation  )

How to change the temperature values T1/ T2/ T3

To exit the temperature change:
• press the key   once to return to the configuration menu
• press the key   twice to exit the menu and return to the initial screen
Note: temperature values between 


 (minimum value) and 


 (maximum value) are allowed.

These factory values are: 


 = 2°C, 


 = 50°C but can be modified through the ADV menu.

Note: the condition T1 ≤ T2 ≤ T3 must be respected.


Set a timing to prolong the current operation for the duration of the timing itself.
There are 3 timings available:

• Timed manual

: set a timing during manual operation to maintain this operation

until timing has elapsed.
At the end of the timing, the device activates the automatic operation.

• Timed automatic:

 set a timing during the automatic operation to maintain

this operation until the timing has elapsed.
At the end of the timing, the device activates the off operation

• Off timed:

 set a timing during off operation to maintain this operation until

timing has elapsed. At the end of the timing, the device activates automatic or
manual operation, depending on which operation was active before switching off.

How to set a timing

To exit the timing change:
• press the key   once to return to the configuration menu
• press the key   twice to exit the menu and return to the initial screen
When a timing is in progress, the symbol   is lit.
Note: to cancel a timing in progress or to exit without activating the timer, set 00’.
Note: the timing ends in the case of changes to the operating mode.


Initial screen

Configuration menu

ADV menu



x4 times

In the ADV menu, the parameters related to the advanced configuration of the device
are proposed in sequence. Press:
• the keys   and    to change the value of the selected parameter
• the key   to go to the next parameter
• the key    to exit and confirm the changes
Note: the device exits the menu after about 40 seconds without any key being pressed.

Operating mode

Setting up:


if the device is connected to a heating system

(winter operation)



 if the device is connected to an air conditioning system

(summer operation)
Factory value: 



Parameters for the regulation type

(this menu varies depending on the chosen regulation type)

If the chosen regulation type is on/off, set the differential 



Allowed values: 0.1°C ÷ 1°C   Factory value:  0.3 °C
If the chosen regulation type is proportional,
set the band 


 and the period 



Allowed values: 0.5°C ÷ 5°C (band), 10, 20 or 30 minutes (period).
Factory value:  0.5 °C (band), 10 minutes (period).

Adjustment of the measured temperature

In particular installation conditions, it can happen that the temperature 
measured by the device deviates from the average temperature present 
in the room. In this case, introduce an adjustment temperature with
the ADJ menu.
Allowed values: -5°C ÷ 5°C Factory value: 0 °C. 
Note: the temperature value shown on the display during normal operation is 
inclusive of any adjustment introduced.

Antifreeze temperature

(this menu is active only if operating mode = heating)

The antifreeze temperature avoids the risk of freezing of the system
when on the chronothermostat is set the off operation  .

Allowed values: 


 , 1°C ÷ 50°C    Factory value:  6 °C.

Note: the “


” setting excludes the antifreeze function; in this case, 

when the device is off, no minimum temperature is guaranteed

Type of regulation

(this menu is active only if operating mode = heating)
Setting up:


 to choose on/off regulation.



 to choose proportional regulation.

Factory value:  




Note: the on/off regulation is suitable for most home situations.
Therefore it is advisable to modify this parameter only in case of real need.

Wi-Fi connection configuration

This sub-menu consists of 3 different screens and described below.
To switch from one screen to another, use the keys   and  .

• the device PIN. It is a 4-digit number necessary to associate the device
   with your Vemer account.

This screen also shows:
- the status of the Wi-Fi connection:
   on fixed: device connected to the home network
   flashing: search for Wi-Fi network in progress

- the association between the device and Vemer account:
   on fixed: associated with a Vemer account
   flashing: not associated with any Vemer account
Note: during the first 20 seconds or so of this screen viewing  


the icon   is always flashing.

• The MAC address of the device is a sequence alphanumeric that uniquely 
   identifies a device within a network of devices. Reading must be done from 
   left to right by scrolling through the 2 dedicated pages using the arrows
   (in the example: AA-F8-FA-C2-8d-7b).

• the intensity of the signal between the device and the router (FLD).
For values:
- higher than -60dB: excellent signal quality
- between -60dB and -90dB: good signal quality
- lower than -90dB: poor signal quality that could compromise communication
  between device and router. In this case, bring the device closer to the router.

Minimum/Maximum settable temperature

Under particular installation conditions, for example in public buildings, hotels, 
etc., it may be useful to limit the range of values that the temperatures T1/T2/T3 
and Tm can assume, in order to prevent incorrect settings by the user.



 is the lower limit

   Allowed values: 2°C ÷ 


      Factory value: 2°C



 is the upper limit

   Allowed values: 


 ÷ 50°C   Factory value: 50°C

Password for key lock

Under particular installation conditions, for example in public buildings, hotels, 
etc., it may be necessary to lock the keypad to prevent changes to the settings 
by unauthorized persons.

To activate the keypad lock, set a password between 001 and 999.

To deactivate the lock, press the key    until you set “--”.
When the keypad lock is active, the symbol   appears on the display and,
after pressing a key, the word BL0C appears.
To find out how to unlock the keypad, see “Keypad unlock” 

Hour meter of system operation

It displays the operating hours of the system (relay contacts on C-NA).

The device has two counters (5-digit) independent for heating operation
and for the conditioning operation, but is displayed only the counter
of the selected operation mode.

To reset the counter, press the key   for a long time during the display.
The maximum count is 65535h (about 7 years), when this digit is reached,
the counter resumes the count from 0h.

Perform a reset to delete the settings entered and restore the device to the factory settings 
(excluding the network settings for remote control which can be changed as described in BOX 6).

To reset:
1. from the initial screen, press the key   to enter the configuration menu.
    The CLOCK indication flashes.
2. press the keys   and    simultaneously until “


” appears on the display.

3. when the display shows all the segments, press the key   until “


” appears







Initial screen



  To reset if the key lock is active and you do not know the unlock password,

      you must remove  and restore power and, when the display shows all the segments,
      press the key    until “



Operation mode



Regulation type


Differential (on/off)

0.3 °C

Band (proportional)

0.5 °C

Period (proportional)

10 minutes

Antifreeze temperature OFF

6 °C

Add. ADJ temperature

0 °C

Min. settable temperature

2 °C

Max. settable temperature

50 °C

Hour meter operation  /

0 h

Automatic summer time change


(according to EU rules)



Key lock password


Display backlighting

The blue backlighting of the display during normal operation is on but can be turned off if the 
installation requires it (for example in bedrooms).
In this condition, the thermostat continues to work normally and the backlighting turns on when 
you enter the setpoint modification, advanced programming, pin insertion.






Modifica dell’orologio

Cambio ora

automatico on/off


If the program meets the needs:
• press the key   once to confirm and choose another day to which to assign a different program
• press the key   twice to return to the configuration menu
• press the key   three times to exit the menu and return to the initial screen
If no program meets the needs:
• choose the one that is closest to you and press the key   to customize the profile:


- starting from midnight 00:00, press the keys   and    to assign to each hour of the day    

        one of the 3 possible temperatures (T1, T2, T3) and the key    to confirm and go to the next


-  to enter a switching delay for the selected hour, press the key   for a long time.


For more information about switching delay, see “How the switching delay works”.

When the profile program is suitable for your needs:

• press the key   to exit the customization.

How the switching delay works

Set a switching delay for a specific hour to maintain, for the duration 
of the delay, the temperature value assigned to the previous hour.
For example, if the program includes:
T2 from 12 to 13  and T3 from 13 to 14 pm with 30 minutes delay
the chronothermostat adjusts the temperature based on the value of
T2 from 12 to 13.30 and T3 from 13.30 to 14.00
It is possible to set delays of 15, 30, 45 minutes, independent for every hour of the day.

