The sensor operates, instead of a single laser firing through a rotating mirror, with 64 lasers fixed mounted on upper and lower laser blocks,
each housing 32 lasers. Both laser blocks rotate as a single unit. With this design each of the lasers fires tens of thousands of times per
second, providing exponentially more data points/second and a more data-intensive point cloud than a rotating mirror design. The sensor
delivers a 360° horizontal Field of View (HFOV) and a 26.8° vertical FOV (31.5° VFOV for the S2.1).
Additionally, state-of-the-art digital signal processing and waveform analysis are employed to provide high accuracy, extended distance
sensing and intensity data. The sensor is rated to provide usable returns up to 120 meters. The sensor employs a direct drive motor
system with no belts or chains in the drive train.
See the specifications at the end of this manual for more information about sensor operating conditions.
Figure 1. HDL- 64E S2 design overview.
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HDL-64E S2 and S2.1 User’s Manual
(Entire unit spins
at 5-20 Hz)
(Groups of 16)
(Groups of 32)
PrinciPLes of oPeration