Turn off the AC power
(deactivate the main fuse of your switch box).
Connect a load suitable for the specifications of this module !
You can now power up your VM131
When powering up the red status LED (LD1) will blink once (twice with AC power 60Hz) during the internal diagnose test.
After this short test the module will start automatically the normal operation of this module. If the module detects irregularities
during self test or during operation, the module will switch to ALARM mode. The status LED will blink slowly once, followed
by flashes (see "Error message").
Use :
Push the button briefly to switch on or switch off the light source or keep the button pressed to adjust the light intensity. When
a dimming cycle reaches an end point (max. light intensity or switched off) the dimming cycle will automatically halt. To in-
verse the dimming direction, release the push button and keep it pressed again. The last set light intensity will be memorized
when switching off the light source with a brief press of the operation button. The light intensity will also be memorized in
case of an AC power failure. For safety reasons a lamp will not switch on after an AC power failure.
Status LED (LD1) indications at normal operation:
Flashes 1x every 5 seconds when the module is in stand by mode (lamp off).
Flashes 2x per second when the lighting burns in dimmed mode.
Flashes 5x per second when the lighting burns at full light intensity.
Blinks 1x per second during the dimming cycle.
Error message:
The status LED will continue burning for a while after which it will flash a couple of times. This flashing indicates a problem.
The AC power grid could contains signals which would interfere with the operation of the module. Disconnect the AC power
and try again later (or try another location). If the error message keeps appearing, please contact your Velleman dealer or
the Velleman Support team.