Test button SW1 is used to control the operation of the test mode.
Operation :
Do not connect the unit to the USB cable.
A short button press turns the unit on. - Power LED goes on and the unit starts to send DMX code "0" on all the 512 DMX
Next button press increments the code on all the channels to '1', next button press increments to '2' etc.
The "DMX signal" LED starts to light periodically when the test button is pressed for some times.
The LED's flashes are longer after pressing the button for several times.
Pressing the button 256 times the internal counter rolls back to 0 and the unit starts again to send code "0" on all the 512
DMX channels.
If you use e.g. a dimmer as a test equipment you should see how the intensity of the light increases on every button
To turn the power off, keep pressing the button about 3 seconds until the power LED goes off.
Stand - alone test
Stand - alone test