VELLEMAN nv - Legen Heirweg 33, Gavere (Belgium)
W W W. V E L L E M A N P R O J E C T S . E U
The measurement accuracy is ÷3%, given that the relative humidity is between 11% and 89%; the response time
to the humidity variations is of about 5 seconds. The variation curve for the device’s output voltage, as a function of
the relative humidity (having a 3.3 V power supply and an environmental temperature of 25° C) is shown in
Fig. 1
The component’s output is an high impedance one, and may pilot circuits having an impedance of no less than
65 kohms; otherwise the voltage supplied as a function of the humidity may not react to the curve shown in
, but will vary in a different manner. In addition to the A/D converter, the device’s output may be connected to a
microampere meter having a pointer, or to an opportunely calibrated voltmeter, so to create a veritable hygrom-
eter, from which to obtain a direct indication of the relative humidity.
HIH-5030-001 sensor’s output voltage, as a function of the detected relative humidity.