Adjustment & testing
Inspect the complete assembly once more before applying
power to the unit !
20. Adjustment and testing
12VDC / 300mA
An adaptor jack allows hook-up of a suitable 12VDC / 300mA wall adaptor.
Make sure the input voltage matches your domestic AC voltage. Mind the
polarity !
Plug the adaptor into a wall outlet. The left channel indicator lights and the
volume control automatically turns to zero. The ‘volume down’-led will also
light until the volume control has reached it’s endpoint. Press any button to
stop this action.
Now you can perform the adjustment of the RF receiver section. Use the
supplied plastic screwdriver to adjust the tuning coil L1. Press and hold any
button on the remote
control and slowly adjust
L1 until LD5 lights with
maximum brightness.
Next, call on some
assistance and have
somebody push the remote
at a distance of a couple of
meters/yards, while you
slowly adjust L1 again for
maximum brightness of