3. Front Panel Description
1. LCD display
2. rotary switch
3. zero adjuster
4. input jacks
4. Operating Instructions
Make sure that the battery is correctly inserted into the battery compartment and connected to the battery snaps.
Observe the polarity indications when connecting polarised capacitors. Discharge all capacitors fully.
Do not apply any voltage to the test jacks because serious damage may ensue.
Do not short the test leads together as this will increase the battery’s power consumption drastically. The LCD will
display an overrange indication for all ranges.
If no capacitance value is displayed : start with the 200pF-range and select the next range until the overrange
indication is replaced by an actual measured value.
A shorted capacitor generates an overrange indication on all ranges. A capacitor with a low leakage voltage will
generate either an overrange indication or an unusually high measured value. With an open capacitor, the display
will read “0” for every range (possibly just a few pF for the 200pF-range).
Measure very low capacitances using very short leads or the capacitor-measuring socket above the input jacks on
the front panel. This will allow you to avoid introducing any stray capacitance.
When using the optional test leads to measure small values, you should keep in mind that the leads may
introduce a small capacitive charge. Connect the leads and check the display. Subtract the displayed value from
the eventual measuring result. Obviously, it would be easier to use the zero adjuster on the front panel…
Capacitors, and electrolytic capacitors in particular, are notorious for their great tolerance. You should not be
surprised, therefore, if the measured value is higher than the value on the capacitor, unless when using a
capacitor with low tolerance. However, only on the rarest of occasions will the measured value be much lower
than the rated value.
You can locate a leaking capacity if the value changes considerably when you select a different scale. The effect
of the internal leakage resistance is limited in the lower ranges.