Velleman nv
3GPP/ISMA is using RTSP protocol for 3G mobile phones to display the video stream from some network devices,
including IP cameras. This camera supports the RTSP protocol and video/audio codec needed by 3GPP/ISMA. Users
only need to access the address
on the 3G mobile phone to access the
video stream of the IP camera. No other extra configuration is needed on the IP camera. Different 3G mobile phone
may need different operation to be able to key in the rtsp address, please contact the 3G mobile phone customer
service for more details.
The video quality and resolution is the same value as set on the “video settings” page. Since the bandwidth provided
by the 3G service is fewer than 256k bps, it is advised to configure the “Internet speed” of the IP camera to 128k or
64k bps.
Schedule night mode (black and white image) via the
Night Mode
When motion is detected, the IP-camera can send snapshots to an e-mail account or FTP server.
Use the
Schedule – Email/ftp Alarm
page to set up the e-mail account and/or FTP site.
To configure a NAS (Network Attached Storage) system, go to the
NAS Settings