CS-770 GB
Whilst searching it is important to remember that the search head should be kept as close to the
ground as possible. This ensures maximum depth penetration. There is a maximum detection range
and a large gap between head and ground reduces the effective depth of the search.
See diagram 6.
Care of Your Detector
The working life of your detector will be shortened by careless use or neglect of the unit. Think of
your detector as a scientific instrument NOT A TOY. Your detector is designed to withstand rugged
handling on any terrain, but mis-use or lack of due attention will tell in the end.
After using your detector in a hostile environment (salt water, sand, etc.), the exterior parts of the
casing should be flushed with fresh water, paying particular attention to the head, and carefully
wiped dry. Foreign particles in the control box can be removed by brushing carefully (or with
compressed air or vacuum cleaner).
Diagram 4
Diagram 5
Diagram 6
It is essential that the search head is kept
close and parallel to the ground to avoid
missing finds as in A, C and D.
On arrival at the site a criss-cross is made marking the positions
of finds : 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. A detailed search of the area around
the finds is made on completion of the criss-cross search.
An area ten foot square is marked out around the find
located by criss-cross search. This is then divided into
strips which are carefully searched.
Distance A = width of the detector’s pick-up area
Distance B = length of a comfortable sweep