Argus Encoder Family Version 2.6 API Developer’s Guide
Filter Manager Error/Status Codes
-582, -583
Error opening the WMF Registry.
Use RegEdit and/or RegCtr-
lPnl to check the existence
and state of the WMF table
(See Appendix B).
Error Creating Main WMF Processing thread.
A filename was not supplied in the WMF Registry.
Check the WMF Registry to
be sure that a file name was
supplied. (For EDL Editor,
this name will be generated
based on the main MPEG
file name.)
WMF network configuration error.
Error setting up network
configuration for WMF
WMF security violation. Attempted to use WMF
dual-stream encoding when component not
registered or HASP permission not granted.
Make sure WMF installation
was performed, that HASP
device and driver are
installed on system, and
that HASP device is pro-
grammed with full WMF
REAL security violation. Attempted to use Real
dual-stream encoding when component not
registered or HASP permission denied.
Make sure Real installation
was performed, that HASP
device and driver are
installed on system, and
that HASP device is pro-
grammed with full Real
Ligos security violation. Attempted to use Ligos
dual-stream encoding when component not
registered or HASP permission denied.
Make sure Ligos installa-
tion was performed, that
HASP device and driver are
installed on system, and
that HASP device is pro-
grammed with full Ligos
Filter Manager Error/Status Codes (Continued)
Error Code
Table C-1. Filter Manager Error/Status Codes (Continued)