Function Decoder 75900
for the Märklin-Motorola Format
Switches ancillary functions like horn, whistle, lights, and smoke.
These decoders are suited for both the old and the extended Motorola data format. They feature
a pair of direction-dependent outputs that are governed by the function und off keys plus 4
extra outputs accessible via the f1 to f4 keys. All outputs may be assigned to two individually
adjustable flash generators.
Programming is possible with Intellibox or Control 80/f. Motor-rpm, flash rate, or dimming can be
adjusted and changed as desired.
What can be connected to it?
DC-motors with a current consumption of max. 0.9 amp.
Each output accepts several lamps in parallel to a max. load of 0.9 amp.
Telex remote uncoupler
Both magnets wired in series can be connected to any output.
Smoke generators
Use only generators suited for digital operation.
Shuttle trains
The extended Motorola format (Gauge I format) allows for direction-dependent headlights of
shuttle trains.
Technical Data
Ancillary outputs:
6 x 0.9 amp capacity
Total load:
0.9 amp
19 x 16 x 5 mm (3/4" x 5/8" x 3/16")
Address range:
1-255, accessible by Intellibox
1-80, when employing another central unit
The decoder is factory preset to address 01 and digital operation.