Timed mode (as shipped), which provides the
monitor function for a timed period (adjustable up to at
least 9 seconds) or until a PTT command is decoded.
Latched mode, which latches upon a monitor
command until reset by a PTT command.
Refreshable timed mode, which provides the
monitor function for a timed period upon any tone-burst
command. Any command received during the timed pe-
riod refreshes the timer for another full timer period.
The frequency-select function is provided in all mod-
els using the 224B/PCB expansion PC board(s). The
number of commandable frequencies varies from two
to eight, depending upon the model chosen. As
shipped, one of the frequency-select relays is always
latched on, and, upon decoding a frequency-select
command, the latched relay is reset and the relay as-
sociated with the command is latched on (1-of-N
The frequency-select function may also be used for
other purposes. For example, a pair of “frequency-
select” outputs may be used to activate and deactivate
a status or alarm system at the panel site, or may be
used for scan-on/scan-off purposes.
Frequency-select relays may be programmed (in
pairs only) by solder bridges to provide two or more in-
dependently interlocked groups. Any pair of frequency-
select relays may also be programmed for momentary
Connect an external 10 to 16 volt semiregulated DC
power supply to the terminal board, with negative to
TB1-17 and positive to TB1-18.
Connect the two-wire leased line to TB1-5 and
TB1-6. For four-wire operation, move JP6 to B, connect
the outgoing line to TB1-5 and TB1-6, and connect the
incoming line to TB1-7 and TB1-8. Also move JP4 to B
if full-duplex operation is desired.
Connect TB1-3 to the transmitter mic audio input,
and TB1-4 to the transmitter mic audio return. If the
TO-23 radio-interface isolation transformer option is not
installed, set JP12 and JP13 both to the “A” position. If
the TO-23 option is installed, set JP10 and JP11 both
to the “B” position.
If the mic input is a high-impedance type, shielded
cable is recommended. If the radio has a high-level mic
input, move JP7 to the “B” position.
Connect the radio receiver audio output to TB1-1
and TB1-2. This must be an audio source after the
squelch circuit, to prevent sending continuous noise to
the remote console(s). If the radio receiver audio output
is single-ended and the TO-23 option is not installed,
be sure that the “low” or “grounded” side of the radio
receiver audio output is connected to TB1-2. If the
TO-23 option is not installed, set jumpers JP12 and
JP13 both to the “A” position; if the TO-23 option is in-
stalled, set jumpers JP12 and JP13 both to the “B” po-
If a high-impedance point in the receiver is used,
shielded cable is recommended. If the speaker output
is used, move JP5 to B. Note that when the speaker
output is used, the radio volume control will affect the
audio output level at TB1-1.
Connect the radio PTT circuit to the PTT relay con-
tact terminals of the panel. Refer to the schematic.
Connect the radio “monitor” circuit to the MON relay
contact terminals. Refer to the schematic.
With all models except 223C/PCB, RC-223C, and
RP-223C, connect the radio-frequency control circuits
to the function-control relay output terminals on the
small (224B/PCB) PC board(s). Usually the common of
each relay contact switch is grounded and the normally
open contact connects to the radio frequency-control
terminals. Refer to the schematic.
A few radios (such as some GE models) have sepa-
rate transmitter and receiver frequency controls. Use
the above connections for transmitter frequency con-
trols and connect the receiver frequency controls to the
second set of relay contacts available at solder-pad ter-
minals. Refer to the schematic.
Relay/LED defeats and active-low open-collector
logic outputs have been provided for special installa-
tions. Refer to the schematics.
Transient protection has been provided near all
audio inputs and outputs. This is adequate for tran-
sients up to at least 100 volts, but external transient
protection such as gas-discharge or MOV devices
should be installed to provide some protection from
very high voltage transients such as from lightning.
For additional protection, provisions have been made
on the 223C PC board for installation of the LPO-1 op-
tion consisting of Vega #146-0005 gas-discharge-tube
protectors or MOV devices such as GE #V100ZA15
(one gas tube or three MOVs per line). An earth-ground
terminal is also provided.
Vega will not replace units under warranty that have
obvious high-voltage damage such as vaporized PC-
board traces or melted components.
The RC/RP-223C line transformers are not designed
to operate on lines carrying direct current. If a DC volt-
age is on the line, isolate with external capacitors. If the
line termination must conduct direct current, install a
600:600-ohm transformer designed for the current in-
All models have been factory-tuned to the following
frequencies, and for normal applications require no tun-
Guard tone/PTT Tone: 2175 Hz
MON Function Tone: 2050 Hz
Frequency Select Function Tones (where used)
F1: 1950 Hz
F5: 1550 Hz
F2: 1850 Hz
F6: 1450 Hz
F3: 1750 Hz
F7: 1350 Hz
F4: 1650 Hz
F8: 1250 Hz
For special applications using other than standard
frequencies, special order from the factory.
Level Adjustments
Level adjustment normally are required only at the
time of installation or due to base-station changes.
Tone-Remote Station Adapters