Vega SI-22 / User Manual
Revision 08 – 15 September 2020
If the measured temperature values go out the specified temperature range, the data
transmission period remains unchanged, if the "Immediately send data when temperature is
out of range" parameter is not active. If this parameter is active, then within two minutes after
the temperature value goes out the specified range, a message with an alarm flag will be
generated and transmitted. Each next generated message according to the data collection
period will also be transmitted immediately until the temperature value returns into the
specified range.
It is also possible to separately configure the data collection period for the case when
the measured temperature values go out the specified temperature range.
With the "Confirmed uplinks" option turned on, the device will send the next packet
only after receiving a confirmation of the delivery of the previous one. If such confirmation
has not received after the fulfilled in the settings uplink number of transmissions, device
completes the communication session until the next one according to the schedule. In this
case, the device continues to collect data according to the data collection period and store it
in memory. Non-transmitted packets remain in the device memory until the next
communication session.
With the "Confirmed uplinks" option turned off, the device just sends all accumulated
packets to the network in order from the earliest to the latest. There are no checks of package
delivery in this mode. There are no non-transmitted messages in the device memory.
The internal clock is set automatically when device connected to the "Vega LoRaWAN
Configurator" via USB, also adjustable via LoRaWAN.
Vega SI-22 pulse counter is A class device (LoRaWAN classification) and has the
following features:
ADR support (Adaptive Data Rate)
Sending of confirmed packets (configurable)
Two operating modes: "Active" and "Storage"
Inputs can be switched to «security» mode for connection to external leakage
and safety sensors, etc.
Ability to connect an external temperature sensor
Unscheduled sending of an alarm packet when the temperature goes out the
specified range
The ability to set a shortened data collection interval for the case when the
measured temperature values go out the specified temperature range
Time referencing of readings by internal clock
Communication in case of security inputs actuation
Charge measuring of the built-in battery (%)