Vega NB-12 / User Manual
Revision 05 of 21 January 2022
Vega NB-12 modem is designed for collecting readings from devices with current loop
interface 4-20 mA, with analog output, pulse output or 1-Wire interface, further accumulating
and transmitting of this information in NB-IoT network.
In addition, Vega NB-12 can be used as a security device – two additional inputs operate
in security mode, there is also Hall sensor.
The modem can be used for any sensors and industrial equipment with interface 4-20
mA or 1-Wire such as temperature sensors, humidity sensors, pressure sensors.
Equipment with NAMUR pulse output is not supported
The modem may be powered by one or two batteries with capacity 6400 mAh.
The readings collecting from the meter with a configurable period 5, 15, 30 minutes, 1,
2, 3, 4, 6, 12 or 24 hours. The readings stored in the device memory and transmitting during the
next communication session with the NB-IoT network.
The adjustable data transfer period can be equal to 5, 15, 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 and
24 hours. Data transferring in random point in time during set period. At the next
communication session, the device starts sending accumulated packets with readings, from
the earliest to the latest.
The device operates with confirmation all the time and send the next packet only after
receiving a confirmation of the delivery of the previous one. If such confirmation was not
received, NB-12 completes the communication session until the next one according to the
schedule. Herewith, the device continues to collect data according to the data collection
period and store it in memory. Non-transmitted packets remain in the device memory until the
next communication session.
The internal clock is set automatically when device connected to the "Vega NB-IoT
Configurator" via USB.
Vega NB-12 modem has the following features:
Interface ‘current loop’ 4-20 mA
Interface 1-Wire for connecting temperature sensors (up to 10 pc)