3.0 Introduction
3.1 MTTplus-523 Overview
The MTTplus-523 module offers Customer Premise Equipment emulation mode for G.fast, VDSL2, and ADSL2+, to verify
broadband service performance for xDSL and G.fast networks.
3.2 Evolution of Residential DSL to G.fast
DSL Network Types
CPE Emulation for ADSLx, VDSL2, and G.fast
As DSL technology continues to improve, the copper wire length from a broadband provider's distribution point to the customer
premise has decreased, providing even greater speeds to customers.
ADSL relied solely on existing copper telephone wire infrastructure, connecting from the Digital Subscriber Line Access
Multiplexer (DSLAM) at the provider's central office to reach customer premises. With VDSL, fiber from the CO is deployed to a
DSLAM at an optical node (FTTN) closer to the customer premise, further shortening the length of copper cabling. VDSL2 and
G.fast are capable of closing the distance from a distribution point (FTTdp) to a few hundred meters of the end subscriber. G.fast
supports speeds of 150 Mbps to 1 Gbps depending on the distance from the distribution point.
MTTplus-523_e-manual, D07-00-117P RevA00