V-RTU2000 Series
Chapter 2 - System Overview
Veesta - Remote Terminal Unit
Technical Specification Manual
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Summary of Functions
V-RTU2000 Series is generally installed at on-site power station,
applied to signals monitoring and control performance. It is designed
in multi-processor technique. Each I/O Card has its own processor
which is responsible for the basic data acquisition function. The basic
functions are as follows.
2.2.1 Data Acquisition Processing
V-RTU2000 Series acquires digital and analog signal from station
and stores it in RTU memory. On the other band, RTU accepts host
command to reflect and transmit back the required data to control
center. Analog Data Input
Measured Values, generally to receive signals from power
transducers (Watt / Var / Voltage / Current / Temperature / Position /
Resistance / etc), this is meant; RTU is to gather all physical signals
of main facilities in station. Accumulated Data Input
Energy Counters, accumulation and processing of pulses from
external energy measurement devices are supported. A 16-Bit
value is set aside in the local memory for each Pulse Accumulator
point. The Pulse Accumulator will be incremented one count for each
cycle of the input. Digital Data Input
Indications, Status of facilities and the status of Momentary Change
Detection (MCD) are acquired. Four basic indication types are
supported: Single indication Double indication, Sequence Capturing,
and Multiple Change detection. The de-bounce time for DC Digital
Input Points can be 1 ms to 250 ms adjustable. The de-bounce time
for AC Digital Input Points can be 48 ms to 250 ms adjustable.
Single indication (1-Bit Status):
involve only a single monitored
external point and hence, have only two states: 0 or 1.
Double Indication (2-Bit Status)
: involve the monitoring of two
physical external points and hence, can provide four states: 0/0,
0/1, 1/0, 1/1.