Do not point the torch jet at foreign bodies.
Av o i d u n n e c e s s a r y l i g h t i n g o f t h e p i l o t a r c t o p r e v e n t e x c e s s i v e
c o n s u m p t i o n o f t h e e l e c t r o d e a n d n o z z l e .
During cutting the speed of the torch movement should be in accordance with the
thickness of the piece to be cut. Excessive speed causes a return of incandescent
towards the torch which shortens the life of the parts of the torch most subject to
wear and tear. The metal fouling on the nozzle should be removed as soon as possible.
power supply
Air compressor
Plasma torch
Earth clamp
Air regulator installation and operation
1. Firmly tight and seal the copper air hole at IN and OUT terminal by high pressure rubber tube .
2.Tight and seal the meter with meter face rubber tube.
3.Fix the connecting shelf with screw as the regulator position.
4.Get down the plastic screw and fix the regulator on the shelf.
5.Turn on the air valve, turn up the pressure adjusting knob, turn the pressure volume
(meter inside shows kg), and then put down the knob.(+ means increasing pressure,
- means decreasing pressure.)
6.Scale of the meter is as follow. The volume in the picture is 6 kg.
7. If the water in thegas filtering bottle is too much, please turn on the water valve to let the
water go out.
Connecting shelf
Pressure adjusting knob
Pressure meter
Air filting bottle
Air pipe
ir o
Air in
Drainage interface
4.1 Troubleshooting
Before arc welding machines are dispatched from the factory, they have already been
debugged accurately. So forbid anyone who is not authorized by us to do any change to
the equipment!
Only professional maintenance personal who is authorized by us could overhaul the
Maintenance course must be operated carefully. If any wire becomes flexible or is misplaced,
it maybe potential danger to user!