Fill the chemical tank
Pour the special fogging chemical mixture into the chemical tank. It is important not to add more chemical mixture
than it’s needed. Leaving remaining chemicals in the tank after use could affect the performance of the machine in
the following session as deposits may solidify. When you finish filling the tank, close the tank cap tightly.
To turn on the machine
Press the power button and keep it pressed for 5 seconds after you hear combustion starting (sounds like a small
explosion). It is necessary to keep the machine on for about 10 seconds to warm up before opening the chemical
TIP: If the machine fails to start, press the choke/off button so pressure can be re-established. Press the start
button again and repeat the above procedure until it starts.
To start fogging
Once the machine has heated up for 10 seconds, first turn the chemical supply valve counter clockwise. When you
are ready to start fogging, open the directional/close valve. With this valve you can also adjust the amount of
chemical being used by turning it left to right.