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rev 2020.04.17
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installation guide

Vecima 66xxH Beacon Family



Outputs can be used to remotely control vehicle functions such as door lock/unlock and starter disable/enable. There are 

two outputs available on the 66xxH beacon models, as indicated in the wiring diagram on the previous page. Output 2 is 

reserved for the buzzer output, while Output 1 is configurable for general use.


Output 1 can be configured via the web portal to interactively toggle an external circuit between open and closed states, or 

to pulse the circuit to the closed state for either 1 or 3.2 seconds, then automatically open the circuit.


To close an external circuit, the beacon output acts as a ground source (or what is referred to as a current sink) to the external 

circuit. To open an external circuit, the output will be open. Since the output can draw a maximum current of 150mA, it is 

recommended that you use the output to control a relay and use the relay to manage the external circuit.

Connect and Mount Beacon


For model 6600H and 6650H, connect the two antenna cables to the beacon using the corresponding FAKRA connectors, 

ensuring a firm, positive connection is made. Note that the connectors on the antenna wires and the beacon will have 

matching color.


Attach the wiring harness to the beacon and ensure that the retaining clip snaps in place.


Affix the beacon securely to the vehicle using the mounting slots found on either side of the case. If the beacon is not 

securely mounted, it may report false Start, Stop or Arm Where Parked (AWP) events.


If a suitable panel for affixing the beacon is not available, fastening the beacon to a bracket or wire bundle with plastic cable 

ties is also adequate. Be sure to secure any loose or extra lengths of wire.
