ALFA(NET) 75 RTDF -50/+50°C
Doc.no.: 150014 version 1.0
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Status of the relays
By pushing the hidden °C key the display shows the status of the relays. Each display segment
shows the status of the relay output, showing =off, =on and on last segment=natural defrost
active. The code
means relay 1(compr.) and 2(fan) are on and relay 3(defr.) is off.
View defrost sensor (if present)
By pushing the UP key the defrost temperature appears in the display. A few seconds after
releasing the UP key the defrost temperature disappears and the measured temperature (control)
is shown again.
Manual starting/stopping of defrost
The defrost cycle is automatic started and stopped. These defrost settings thru internal
Stop defrost: If there is a defrost cycle active, the defrost can be manually stopped by pushing
the UP and the DOWN keys simultaneously.
Start deforst: If there is no defrost cycle active, the defrost can be manually startet by pushing
the UP and the DOWN keys simultaneously.
Fan control
The ALFANET 75 RTDF has several parameters for fan-control. Normally the fan is always active.
Accept for one of the following parameters to be set to 1, the fan can be stopped;
Parameter 20 = 1:
Fan switch differential active
The fan is only active when the defrost temperature is “parameter 21” lower than the
measured control temperature. Fan on: Tdefr. < (Tcontrol-Tfandiff.(P21)) As there are no
other conditions to switch the fan off.
Parameter 25,26:
Fan on-delay after defrost
The fan is switched off during defrost and to prevent blowing in hot-air in the room after
defrost and the dripping-off time (P27), there are two conditions which can be set;
a: The fan is blocked until the defrost sensor measures a temperature lower than the
temperature setting of parameter 25.
b: The fan is blocked until the defrost-delay-time of parameter 26 has stopped. Unless the
defrost sensor has reached the temperature setting of parameter 25.
Parameter 22 = 1:
Compressor off than fan off
The fan deactivates as the compressor deactivates, with a delay of “parameter 23” minutes.
Provided that there is no other conditions to deactivates the fan.