How to setup a VC MIPI OV9281 on a Raspberry PI Model 3B+
How to setup a VC MIPI OV9281 on a Raspberry PI Model 3B+
Hardware and Software Setup
Revision: 0.2
Date: 2019-04-05
Copyright: 2019 Vision Components GmbH Ettlingen, Germany
Author: VC Support
Foreword and Disclaimer
This documentation has been prepared with most possible care. However Vision Components GmbH does not take any liability for possible errors. In the interest of progress,
Vision Components GmbH reserves the right to perform technical changes without further notice.
Please notify
if you become aware of any errors in this manual or if a certain topic requires more detailed documentation.
This manual is intended for information of Vision Component’s customers only. Any publication of this document or parts thereof requires written permission by Vision
Components GmbH.
Image symbols used in this document
The Light bulb highlights hints and ideas that may be helpful for a development.
This warning sign alerts of possible pitfalls to avoid. Please pay careful attention to sections marked with this sign.
This is a sign for an example.
Linux, Debian, the Tux logo, Vivado, Xilinx and Zynq, ARM, Cortex, Windows XP, Total Commander, Tera Term, Motorola, HALCON, Vision Components are registered
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Raspberry Pi and Raspbian are also registered Trademarks.
ESD sensitivity
The components are very sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD)! Please take all the precautions necessary to avoid ESD!
The electronic components and circuits are sensitive to ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuit board assemblies, it is necessary that ESD safety
precautions be observed.
ESD safe best practices include, but are not limited to:
Leaving circuit boards in their antistatic packaging until they are ready to be installed.
Using a grounded wrist strap when handling circuit boards.
Working on a grounded ESD table mat.
Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas, which may include ESD floor and table mats, wrist strap stations and ESD safe lab coats.
Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpeted areas.
Try to handle the board by the edges, avoiding contact with components.
This note is not an exhaustive information about the protection against electrostatic discharge (ESD).