Enjoy HD Life VBOX HD Network DVD User Manual
Initialize Settings
4.1 Best video output effect
Since VBOX-86B2 supports composite video output, VGA output,
component video output and HDMI video output, you need to select suitable
cable and setup your TV/Projector to use corresponding input signal source to
get the best playing effect.
We suggest to use HDMI or Component video interface to connect VBOX
and TV/Projector.
Please check out the manual of your TV/Projector, make sure the video
signal process ability of your TV/Projector. Then setup VBOX to use the highest
standard of your TV/Projector to output video signals.
To adjust the video signal output settings, press “settings” then select
“Video output”, setup “Video cable”, “screen size” and “scan lines”.
Warning: If your TV do not support HD but you set VBOX output HD
signals by force, you may see nothing on your screen after trying to play a
video. Although this will not do harm to your TV/Projector in general case,
however, you are not able to do anything since you see nothing. The way to
save yourself from that situation is to find a thin pin insert into the small reset
role at the bottom of VBOX, press it to reset VBOX to the factory settings.
4.2 Configure network
VBOX support internel fixed netcard or wifi wireless netcard. VBOX
supports up to 128 bits WEP share-key encryption method.
If you have computers need to share the internet access with VBOX, we
suggest you buy and use network routers. We suggest you use fixed network
connections for best transfer effect. If you use WIFI network, please make sure
the space is clean between the WIFI net card and the WIFI AP. Also make sure
the WIFI signal stronger than level 5.
Common Operation