JAN 2018
VB-Audio Software
MT128 Reference Manual
MT128 Version
MT128 Reference Manual
Non Contractual Document
Document designed by V.Burel
2005-2016 all right reserved. All information provided in this document may be subject to change
without notice.
All kind of usage, modification or diffusion of this document, without author agreement, is forbidden.
Congratulations to purchase this Multi-Track digital audio recorder and player.
The MT-128 is an easy to use and secure hard disc multi track recording; player and
play out system, designed for professional users. It is delivered as a computer based
turnkey system or as integrated software in a piece of hardware (like mixing console).
All controls of the MT-128 can be done by at least a 15“-Touch-TFT.
The graphic user interface (GUI) is designed to provide an adapted overview of status
information and allows quick access to main functions in whatever kind of operational
The system can be configured with up to 128 Channels of digital audio I/O, available in
MADI, AES-3, ADAT®, Ethersound, and whatever audio interface format handled by
ASIO Driver. Endowed with professional audio devices, it supports Wordclock- and
Video-Synchronization. Timecode is supported via LTC-I/O, MIDI and others…
The MT-128 supports WAVE, Broadcast-Wave (RF64) and AIFF file formats and
operates in „single file per track “ mode. Projects and audio files can be imported- and
All incoming and outgoing audio signal can be free routed. An internal mixer controls the
levels of audio outputs (direct track output) and it allows up to 9 stereo mix busses plus
a separate stereo PFL-Bus.
Loop-Recording, Auto Punch-In/Out, Pre-and Post-record buffer (up to 3 seconds),
Track-Arming while recording and some more recording features make the MT-128 a
state of the art non-destructive „Audio-Multitracker“.
Generated audio files are displayed in „classical“ time-line view, but also in a list view.
This helps to keep the overview and makes it easy to handle the MT-128 projects. All
recorded audio is managed as record-sessions, takes, clips and files. The Take-
management fulfils the needs of take organized recording workflow.
The security of audio data is given by a permanent auto save, in worst case (like power
loss) only last buffers (max. 10 seconds) will be lost. The possible RAID support of the
System helps to reduce the risk of data-loss by hard disc failure.