7. Cleaning the Pre- and
Post-motor filters
NOTE: The pre-motor filter should be cleaned
frequently and the post-motor filter should be cleaned
every 9 - 12 months.
Vax recommends frequently
cleaning the filters to optimise the performance of the
vacuum cleaner.
NOTE: Do not use any detergents or boiling water to
wash the filters.
Cleaning the central dirt container filters
Remove the dirt container as previously directed.
Lift the release catch as shown to access the central
filters, and pull the dirt container lid away from the dirt
container (Fig.7/1).
To remove the central filters, rotate the filters anti-
clockwise and pull away from the dirt container lid
The central filter, may then be wiped with a damp cloth to
remove dirt residue. Allow to air dry completely for at least
24 hours before replacing back in the dirt container bin lid
and using the vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning the Pre-motor Filter
Remove the dirt container as previously directed.
Remove the filters as shown (Fig.7/3).
The HEPA pre-motor filter, foam filter and frame may be
rinsed in luke warm water max (40°C). Allow to air dry for
at least 24 hours before replacing (Fig.7/4).
Return the pre-motor and foam filter to the unit before
replacing the dirt container.
Cleaning the Post Motor Filter
NOTE: This is located at te rear of the vacuum cleaner.
Release the post-motor cover by pressing in the catch at
the top of the cover (Fig.7/5).
Vax V-118 User Guide.qxd:V-118 User Guide
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