From the application menu
tap “Device Settings” to set up your WiFi connection, configure your SIM card, check for updates or change the application language,
WiFi configuration
Manage your WiFi networks here.
If you see “WiFi is disabled”, tap the
button. You will see the list of available networks.
Tap the name of the network to connect to it.
– this icon means that the network is secured with a password.
If you have the password, tap the name of the network and enter the password. Then, tap “OK” and use the device. If you don’t know the password, contact the network
– the green bars show the signal strength.
– tap the name of the network to connect to it.
A network without a padlock means that this network is open. You don’t need any password to connect to it. Please note, that some open networks require
additional actions to be taken such as logging in or accepting terms and conditions. It’s not possible to use this type of network with Vasco Translator M3.
SIM configuration (only for advanced users)
This menu is visible only for devices with a non-factory SIM card.
Mobile data - You can configure data roaming, preferred networks etc.
Data roaming - allows you to connect to data services (It is strongly recommended to leave this option ON while using GSM).
Preferred networks - This option allows you to select an operator manually.
Preferred network type - This option allows you to set preferred network type.
Enhanced 4G LTE Mode - Tap
to toggle this setting on or off
Access Point Names - This option allows you to change APN Names.
Network operators - This option allows you to choose network operators manually.
APN Settings - allows you to change APN settings.
Application language
Change the language for device menus.
Check for updates
If a new version of the software is available, you will see information about it after tapping “Check for updates”. In order to update the device, download and install the
application, tap “OK” and reboot the device. If there are no new updates you will see “No new updates”. If you see “Device not registered”, please contact the seller.
Tap “Details”
A WiFi connection is needed in order to download system updates.
About device
You can see the version of the device and read the terms and conditions.
Application settings
Within applications (Translator, Photo translator, TranslaCall, MultiTalk), tap
to enter application settings.
The number of options depends on the selected application.
Share (in Translator history; TranslaCall history)
This option allows you to share your translations with other people.
Selected conversations - Swipe Up and Down to navigate between the translated sentences. Select the translation. (You can pick more than one sentence). Tap
“Share” and provide the email address. Tap “Send”. The translations will be saved as a PDF file and sent to the email address entered.
Whole history - Tap this option and provide the email address if you want to share the whole translation history.
History (Translator; TranslaCall)
Save history - Check this option if you want the device to remember the translations history,
Delete history - Tap this option if you want to delete all history entries.
Speech (Translator; TranslaCall)
Automatic - This option allows you to hear the translated text right after the translation.